But it's not just a T-shirt. No-sirree. This is a gen-you-whine symbol of me investing in a movie. I gave them the princely sum of twenty bucks towards making Whisperer, and in return, they gave me a T-shirt. Which, I'm sure you agree, makes me a fully paid-up film financier, movie mogul, and all-around alliterative altruist. Seriously, though, their movie of Call of Cthulhu was so damn bloody brilliant (I may have mentioned this before?) that I'm really looking forward to Whisperer more than any other film I can think of, and I have absolutely no qualms about bunging Sean and his crew a few dollars towards it. (Trailer here.)
For thoroughly deranged Cthulhu clothing, though, there's this or this. Warning, looking at these may very well drive you insane. So don't.
Oh man - now I'm really glad Jon Richfield brought me your way. Seems we have more than a love of New Scientist in common...
An Ounce of Imagination...
The World Wide Web: bringing oddballs and eccentrics together across the planet since 1991.
I'm proud to say I shook the hand of the man who created it, way, way back when you could fit all the world's Web pages onto your hard disk. Little did any of us know back then just how important his little project would turn out to be for the entire development of civilisation. And now we get to use it to find other fans of home-made Cthulhu flicks, even if they live on the opposite side of the Earth. Ain't that grand?
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